The only really big news of the last week is that the last ward I was in, Just got split!!! Chacabuco was split!!! Elder Amaya called me to give me the news, it was soooo exciting!! In the ward in the last 6 months there have almost 50 baptisms in the ward!!
Other than that this week has been pretty full of meetings! I have never traveled so much on a bus in my life!!!
This week me and Elder Ortiz were walking around our area and we began to talk. We get along really well, but our visions for the Zone have been very different, or the way we want to lead the zone have not been very united at all... so we started talking. We began from what we both want, or our ultimate goal, which is Baptize.
We both started talking about how a year ago, the Escobar Zone baptized 31 in one month, the record for a LONG time. We want to break it so bad!! And the zone is in a position to do it, we have found LARGE amounts of new people to teach inside the last 6 weeks, which means there is a very large group of people ready to be baptized.
President recently has been using Larry Bird in a lot of his examples for teaching us principles, and we have been applying it a lot here in the Zone, For example; For Larry Bird, every quarter was a new game. It didnt matter if he did really well or poor in the last quarter, he resets his mind and goes hard. The same with finding new people to teach. It doesnt matter if we found a lot of people, or nobody in the last 2 hours, or in the morning, if we dont have a lesson appointment, we reset our mind and we try to find again.
Here in the Zone we have "LarryTime" where we go crazy for like 20 minutes trying to find one new person to teach.
So when me and Elder Ortiz were able to talk about breaking 31, we decided on 32. But we then remembered that Larry Bird was number is 33, so to continue with the theme, we have put this as our goal, and we had a very cool conversation in how we are going to achieve it. Tomorrow in the District meetings we are gonna put our new plan into action... Hope it works... haha
I love you ALL!!!
Elder Ryan
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