Wow, already two months!! Finally I feel like I know whats going on here haha.
Some things that have happened, I gave a blessing to one of the Hermanas, she injured her knee, sadly she had to go home for a bit, but she'll be back!!
We had a Conference for the Newbies this week, pretty much just means imI got to see all my buds from the ccm. Oh, and mom, sorry for the lackage of photos, but I'm too scared to take my camera with me proselyting or basically anywhere not on pday. haha
This week we taught 3 new promising investigators. 2 accepted a baptismal date, Mareila y Gisela (Cousins) and another we met through a Miracle!!
Me and Elder Saez were waiting in front of our capilla for a member who was going to go to a lesson with us. We have a new goal in my mission to place 6 Bom every day. And so my comp told me to place one, before I could even talk to a dude, he came up to me (Gary) and started telling about his divorce and how he feels alone. He knows the church a little because his cousin is a bishop in Bolivia. We haven't been able to recontact him yet because he hasn't been home, but we have high hopes for him.
Jaero, the investigator who asked me to baptize him on my first night, is finally gonna be baptized this sunday!! woohoo
Thats about it for our investigators, we have tons, but the rest don't really do much ever.
I've gotten a lot of questions about the food. All you need to know is its amazing. We have milenesa almost every day, its country fried steak more or less, and its a good thing I love it!! We had it 6/7 times one week!! Also they have lots of empanadas, pizza (but not like our pizza) rice, potatoes, and peruvian food like Lomos Soltado, y Arroz Chaufa. Peruvian food is my favorite, but Mama Feick cooks it better, haha. Also they have dulce de leche, and something isn't candy or desert if it doesnt have dulce de leche! Ah its the best!! I think its sweet condensed milk with a ton of sugar, ooo its so good!
The Argentines all look european, a little taller than other Latinos, lighter tone skin, and dark hair. Also there are a lot of Peruvians, Bolivians and Paraguayos.
The culture here is a little weird. Like the mothers feed their kids wherever and whenever they feel like it.. including in the middle of our lessons.. and its normal here.
Also I have to do a lot with safety. Wear a sweater so the robbers don't know about my shirt pocket. The clip on my clip on Plaque looks like a camera so I can't wear it in the villas. No watches in the villa, had a guy try to steal my last night haha. No cameras in most places, unless of course you want things stolen.
Also if you want to send me letters, please do so, I love getting them... but I wont be sending any because it cost me 300 pesos to send 2... thats like a ton for me if you dont know with my allowance hahaha
Also they are a little racist against the skinny, tall white haired gringo down here. Its kinda funny. They also know a lot of american swear words and will cuss me out, especially the drunks haha theyre pretty funny
The Language is going solid, honestly I need to work on it a lot, but I also feel pretty comfortable with it.
Lastly I encourage all to follow the challenge of my mission president, and read the Book of Mormon in the time it took Joseph smith to translate it, 12 Weeks, or 8 pages every day. Really, if you have a testimony on the Book of Mormon, you will have the faith that every other principle in this gospel is True! and most importantly that if you Believe in Christ, You believe in this Book. and if you believe in this Book you believe in Christ (2 Nephi 33:10)
Love you All!!!
Elder Jordan Ryan
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